NI PEARS- Emergency Eye Care Service

If you have a sudden change in vision, red eye, or something in your eye, contact your optometrist first. If you notice new flashing lights or floaters in your vision, your optician should be your first port of call. You can save yourself a long and unnecessary wait in casualty.

Our optometrists are qualified to see patients under the NHS emergency eye care scheme (NI PEARS.) This allows us to see people who have new sudden onset eye emergencies free of charge on the NHS. We can deal with many different eye care situations quickly. Please get in touch and ask about the NI PEARS scheme. 

The NI PEARS service is for patients who develop a new eye condition including:

  • Red eye
  • Pain and/or discomfort in the eyes, or around the eye area
  • Sudden reduction in vision in one or both eyes
  • Recent onset or sudden increase of flashes and/or floaters in one or both eyes
  • Suspected foreign body in the eye

Appointments are available during normal working hours and you will be seen within 48 hours.

 The optometrist will explain your condition and may:

  • Give treatment and advice
  • Refer you to your GP if your eye condition is related to your general health
  • Refer you directly to eye casualty if the condition is more serious

Local Eye Care – Waveney Eye Care NI Opticians – Ballymena

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